Ramadan 2023 Iftar Session (Week 3)
Ramadan Mubarak!!! NCMCC Invites all to our annual Ramadan Iftar sessions. May almighty Allah accept
Assalam Alaykum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuhu
As the severity of the ongoing outbreak of COVID-19 continues to increase, the NCMCC would like to notify the congregation that all NCMCC congregational activities is suspended until further notice. We advise all our members to please take the necessary precautions to aid our safety and that of our families.
For the most up to date information on COVID-19 please see this Government of Alberta link: https://www.alberta.ca/coronavirus-info-for-albertans.aspx
If you are feeling any of the stated symptoms and are unsure if you should go get tested, please complete this Alberta Health Services self-assessment: https://myhealth.alberta.ca/Journey/COVID-19/Pages/COVID-Self-Assessment.aspx
In shaa Allah, we will continue to monitor the situation and will update the congregation accordingly.
We pray that Allah protects us all through this situation.
Jazakallah khairan
NCMCC holds monthly Usrah programs with both internal and external lectures delivering lectures for spiritual and educational development of our members with corresponding tafsir sessions during Ramadan.
NCMCC prides itself in being a rounded organization, it organises seminars that cater to Financial Literacy, Health and awareness, Professional development, Family stabilty and support e.t.c
The organization has a plethora of programs designed for our youth to develop the next generation of confident and upright leaders of the deen and the society at large.
Assalam alaykum, Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu
I am proud to present our organization, the Nigerian Canadian Muslims Congregation Calgary (NCMCC), a Canadian Charity and an Islamic congregation that is founded on the principles of Al-Quran and the teachings of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and of Muslims who respect and obey the laws of the land. Our primary objective is to promote the teaching and principles of Islam, by way of education and humanitarian services. We are truly unique in the way we project the best of the blend of Canadian and Nigerian cultures while being Muslims. We are also proud to be associated with other Muslims and Islamic organizations that shares our belief in Allah and follows the Sunnah of the Prophet Mohammad (SAW). New members are welcome. And may the peace and blessing of Allah be upon you all.
Ramadan Mubarak!!! NCMCC Invites all to our annual Ramadan Iftar sessions. May almighty Allah accept